One of My Ears Is Higher Than The Other

movie review: Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle


First of all, the title of this movie should actually be Charlie�s Angels: Full Volume, at least in the theatre I saw it in. I honestly thought I was going to go deaf. It�s probably due to the fact that I�m an old woman, but I spent more than a few minutes with my fingers firmly lodged in my ears, and I could still hear the movie just fine.

However, eventually either I went a little deafer or the movie quieted down a little. I spent the rest of the movie thoroughly enjoying myself. What can I say? I really dig seeing women kick ass in an action movie. It�s rare that you see a real, honest-to-God action movie where the main characters are women.

The plot is kind of beside the point, really. This movie is 98% eye candy and 2% fond tribute to women�s friendships, which is actually very nice to see. When the Angels aren�t busy kicking ass, they�re hanging out together, having fun, and reaffirming their all-for-one and one-for-all philosophy. Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu are just so darned cute and happy that it�s impossible for me to begrudge them my affection.

Watching CAFT is a vicarious thrill ride. The whole time I was watching I wanted to be one of the Angels. I wanted to be putting the bad guys into headlocks and flipping them into the ocean. I wanted to be dressed in a cute outfit doing karate moves and riding a motorbike. Yes, all at the same time! And, due to the Angels� multiracial makeup, I really can picture myself as Lucy Liu! Besides, her dad in the movie is played by John Cleese, and who doesn�t love a little Monty Python?

The other reason I liked the movie was because Justin Theroux was in it. Ever since his fantastic guest appearance as Brenda�s hot French horn playing neighbour in Six Feet Under, he has been dangerously close to supplanting my current movie star boyfriend, Clive Owen. Granted, in CAFT he looks like a crazed lunatic with really awful hair, but that�s OK. He�s still really ripped.

For those of you who don�t think the movie will give you enough of a mental workout, rest assured: watching Demi Moore will exercise your brain as you wonder how Botoxed her forehead had to be before it got to the rigor mortis stage that it�s at now.

So, overall, I give two thumbs up to Charlie�s Angels: Full Throttle. One thumb for the ass-kicking Angels and one thumb for Justin Theroux.

Posted by polarcanuck at 10:32 p.m.

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