One of My Ears Is Higher Than The Other

a little bit about me

I live in a fairly small northern Canadian city. I grew up in a suburb of a large Canadian city which is a lot further south, so it's been an adjustment. I originally moved north 9 years ago looking for adventure and gainful employment. Instead, I found graduate school and a job at the local college. I also found out, much to my disappointment, that living up north isn't really like the TV show Northern Exposure.

My family lives about 1000 km away from me and I miss them a lot. My friends are scattered around North America now, and I miss them too. However, I do have three cats to keep me company, which is way too many, but I love 'em all, so what can you do?

I'm pretty much a commie pinko when it comes to politics, especially in the town I live in. In other places I'd probably just be a run-of-the-mill leftie. If I had to define myself politically, I'd probably say I'm a Marxist feminist. Sort of.

I have a BA in English Literature, and an MA in Gender Studies. Miraculously, despite such appalling choices of major, I have managed to find gainful employment at a job I really enjoy. For the past three years, I have taught English as a Second Language and English Composition at the local community college. One day I hope to teach a Women's Studies course or a literature course, but I will have to wait my turn for those.

Some of my favourite things to do are watching movies, playing my guitar, and reading. I also love knitting (among other crafts) and usually have a few projects on the go. I enjoy cooking, although I don't do it as much as I should. In the summer I play tennis--very badly--and in the winter I like to cross-country ski, also badly. I volunteer and participate in the local activist community as well, and I've met a lot of cool people this way.

Some of my favourite authors: Margaret Drabble, Elinor Lipman, Laurie Colwin, E.M. Forster. Some of my favourite musicians: Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, the Beatles, Paul Simon, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Ella Fitzgerald.

Posted by polarcanuck at

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anita - 2006-03-08 19:19:59
I'd love to know where you're from - I'm in eastern Canada, and have lived up north.