One of My Ears Is Higher Than The Other



It's been a rough start to the new semester. I forget if I mentioned it, but at the eleventh hour my layoff was rescinded (three days before the layoff date and three days after being told definitively in an e-mail "There will be no work for you in the upcoming semester"). It has been madness ever since, madness I tell you. Let's just say that when I thought I'd be unemployed I agreed to volunteer teach women's studies to disadvantaged women two nights a week. Now I am teaching a full load, with a sociology course I've never taught before, as well as the volunteer teaching.

All this is just a longwinded way of saying that I have been in dire, dire need of some digital Valium lately, and last week I found it. For your viewing pleasure, I present to you the finest in internet cuteness:

You're welcome. Just don't say I didn't warn you--the pictures on these sites are sweet enough to make your teeth rot. But quite honestly, whenever I'm at my desk and feel my bile rising, I click on Cute Overload and I swear to God my blood pressure goes down.

Posted by polarcanuck at 9:10 p.m.

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