One of My Ears Is Higher Than The Other

my brain is full; David Emerson isn't arrogant; Dick Cheney goes hunting


My head is so full of theory I can hardly move. I just spent a few hours preparing my sociology lecture for tomorrow. I've been untangling Lacan and Foucault and dusting them off from storage in the dim recesses of my graduate school memory, and trying to figure out how to make them accessible to second year students.

I know! I'll show them this cool video of an otter that tries to capture a puffer fish.

Oh, wait, that doesn't have anything to do with theory. But anyway, I thought you might enjoy it.

In national news, David Emerson is shocked that his constituents are angry that they voted for a Liberal but ended up getting a Conservative. "I didn't expect the kind of reaction I got," he told CBC reporters on Wednesday when discussing reaction from constituents and former Liberal colleagues about his party switch. He doesn't seem to care too much about what other people think about the switch, though: "If you want to call it arrogance, go ahead, fill the newspaper with it. I don't really care," he said dismissively to the same reporters.

Taking Emerson up on his challenge, the CBC printed the following quotation from Emerson, commenting on demands from his former riding association to return the $97,000 he received in donations as a Liberal: "I think these people ought to give their head a shake and ask themselves how much of that money would have even come to the Liberal party if I hadn't been there."

David Emerson? Arrogant? Never!

In international news, Dick Cheney goes hunting and bags himself a 78-year-old fellow hunter.

Posted by polarcanuck at 7:51 p.m.

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