One of My Ears Is Higher Than The Other

archived entries
2003-12-30 - what I did on my Christmas holiday
2003-12-14 - marking hell; Engrish; Topher Grace
2003-12-09 - pictures of rock stars as kids; Gothika
2003-12-06 - Montreal Massacre; biological clock; making a fool of myself
2003-12-04 - ESL fun; black ice
2003-12-02 - discussion seminars
2003-11-28 - long lost friends; Friday five: shopping
2003-11-26 - this kind kind person let me feel very warm
2003-11-25 - repeat after me: Eduard Shevardnadze
2003-11-24 - requisite MJ diatribe; car problems; Kellie Waymire
2003-11-21 - Friday five: five things
2003-11-19 - sad news about a student
2003-11-15 - viruses; Friday five: adjectives
2003-11-09 - Friday five: acquired tastes and tastes never acquired
2003-11-06 - dramatic chin injury episode
2003-11-03 - ESL trick; looking forward to French lessons
2003-11-02 - too much caffeine
2003-10-31 - trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat
2003-10-29 - bubble tea comes to the boonies
2003-10-28 - bosu believer
2003-10-24 - my computer is fixed; home-made Friday five
2003-10-23 - weird cat dream; citizenship test; grammar hilarity
2003-10-20 - Friday five on Monday
2003-10-15 - grammar sucks
2003-10-12 - would you like me to rake your lawn for five dollars?
2003-10-09 - hot water bottle
2003-10-07 - umbrellas
2003-09-25 - worst jobs in science; cultural differences
2003-09-21 - fun at the fabric store; cats
2003-09-18 - there's my money, but where are my files?
2003-09-16 - pessimism and no paycheque
2003-09-14 - house update, Matchstick Men, and Vietnamese food
2003-09-11 - security; teaching
2003-09-06 - justice? what's that?
2003-09-03 - mad and scared
2003-08-31 - two of the worst movies I've ever seen
2003-08-28 - presentation anxiety
2003-08-27 - the internet is so, like, 1995
2003-08-24 - more Sound of Music; random referrals
2003-08-23 - The Sound of Music
2003-08-22 - answering Gwen's questions
2003-08-18 - feeling like Michael Stipe
2003-08-16 - Friday five: internet use and abuse
2003-08-14 - "When Rose Met Suzanne"
2003-08-09 - Friday five: travel; rediscovering the joys of title tags
2003-08-04 - the man who lives at Charles de Gaulle
2003-07-31 - heat and money
2003-07-29 - phobias; Steve from Blue's Clues
2003-07-28 - insomnia; getting back on the fitness wagon
2003-07-25 - when seals attack; Lost in Translation
2003-07-23 - what country are you?; viagra and smackdown
2003-07-22 - Friday five: bad things I have done
2003-07-13 - strange movie trailers
2003-07-11 - "A New Way to Be Mad"
2003-07-10 - twenty questions
2003-07-05 - Friday five: children's books
2003-07-03 - some stories that have scarred me
2003-07-02 - marking music
2003-07-01 - happy Canada day!
2003-06-28 - Friday five: fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high
2003-06-25 - link-o-rama
2003-06-23 - my new computer; I scare myself silly
2003-06-21 - no shame at the public library
2003-06-12 - Stand up, Scout; your father is passing.
2003-06-11 - to-do list; student loan anxiety
2003-06-06 - WestJet roulette
2003-06-05 - nose-picker; orphan question
2003-06-03 - teaching evaluations
2003-05-30 - Friday five: life philosophy and graduation!
2003-05-28 - children's books part one
2003-05-26 - G-R-A-D-U-A-T-I-O-N
2003-05-24 - workshop on homelessness
2003-05-23 - new dryer; sinus pain
2003-05-20 - other people's stupidity and some of my own
2003-05-19 - cautionary tale; eine kleine nachtmusik
2003-05-15 - boo to Chapters/Indigo
2003-05-14 - oink-oink
2003-05-13 - ESL hijinks
2003-05-10 - poetry and pottery
2003-05-09 - Friday five--"Wait, where'd I put that entry? I just saw's got to be here somewhere..."
2003-05-06 - laundry woes
2003-05-04 - Friday five: songs
2003-04-25 - Friday five: brickbats and bouquets; last day of exams
2003-04-24 - those damn hippies!
2003-04-22 - attempted murder by slushie; mangling the English language
2003-04-19 - Friday five: celebrities
2003-04-15 - what colour is your Tuesday?
2003-04-11 - Friday five: music
2003-04-08 - you think this looks GOOD?
2003-04-06 - Friday five: houses
2003-03-31 - northern women's forum a success!
2003-03-30 - great Beatles website
2003-03-30 - life's tough when you're an angsty teen
2003-02-28 - la petite maison
2003-02-27 - goodbye Mr. Rogers
2003-02-26 - get out of my bubble!
2003-02-23 - addicted to Six Feet Under
2003-02-18 - I feel sick
2003-02-16 - something stupid
2003-02-15 - day for peace
2003-02-12 - our old family car
2003-02-03 - Canadian film; sleep deprivation
2003-01-27 - Roger Dean and Hobbit-architecture
2003-01-25 - let it snow
2003-01-20 - Chuck Palahniuk's Lullaby
2003-01-17 - Les Hirondelles de Kaboul
2003-01-15 - better schedule, Two Weeks' Notice
2003-01-14 - my new teaching schedule sucks
2003-01-10 - official teacher of the Backstreet Boys

2005 archives
2004 archives
2003 archives
2002 archives